
It’s time to start working on your own open resources. In the previous modules, you learned about the ideological roots of open educational resources. You also learned what legal mechanisms support openness in education. In this section, we’ll tell you more about planning your on work; what you should pay attention to, and where to seek support.

Starting off, try to think of how to make the experience pleasant for yourself. A well-chosen topic? An interesting, new method of work? Friends, or a group of people to work with? Your students will certainly accept the project, as long as it’s authentically yours, as well as intriguing or inspiring. Openness, not only in relation to resources, but as a teaching technique, requires a bit of effort on your part and a change in thinking. Start with a small step, for example by starting a lesson in a completely different method: ask an interesting question, try a new exercise, or greet your students in a way that lets them know this is a unique day. Openness is a state of mind. And, of course, be sure to share your experiences with other teachers.